
  • International transports:

International transports:

FT International Ltd

Whether in Antwerp, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Vlissingen, Bremen, Bremerhaven, or Lübeck: Each of these port cities operates under its own set of rules and regulations. It is therefore critical for our truck drivers to be familiar with not only each quay, but also with each contact point and form. When it comes to the race against time, their routine, experience, and competence always pay off.


We would be happy to include you in our list of satisfied clients. Our logistics company looks forward to working with you: Tel. +41 61 825 95 95


» Contact

  • National transports:

National transports:

FT Logistics AG

We specialize in supplying major distributors, producers, suppliers and wholesalers.

The different loading and unloading times, as well as on-time delivery, represent a significant challenge, and as a result, we are concentrating all of our efforts on these specific issues. We are available 24/7 for our customers. We have a modern fleet of vehicles equipped with two temperature zones.


We would be happy to include you in our list of satisfied clients. Our logistics company looks forward to working with you: Tel. +41 61 826 94 44


» Contact


FT Logistics AG


Kästeliweg 6  |  4133 Pratteln

Tel. +41 61 826 94 44   |

FT Customs AG


Kästeliweg 6  |  4133 Pratteln

Tel. +41 61 825 95 25  |

FT International AG


Kästeliweg 6  |  4133 Pratteln

Tel. +41 61 825 95 95  |

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